This website is not associated or affiliated in any way with Brunswick Animal Hospital in Supply, NC
LEGAL NOTICE: This is a consumer advocacy website for information purposes only. Everything on this website is based on my own and other people's experiences.

Had An Issue with

Brunswick Animal Hospital

In Supply, NC

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Do any of you who work at this animal hospital understand how your actions affect people when you cause the death of their beloved pet and you know what happened but refuse to tell the pet owner the whole truth?

My beloved pet died as a result of one of the veterinarians hired by Southern Veterinary Partners, which is now partnered with Brunswick Animal Hospital, and this same veterinarian was also responsible, according to their owners, for the deaths of at least three other pets.

No one at this animal hospital seems to care.

My pet died, another patient was a German Shepherd, another was a dog who came in for teeth cleaning, and another dog was euthanized without the owner's consent or even notification until the following week. All within a year, and that is just the people who have contacted us. How many others are there?

I am looking for anyone who may have information about what happened to my beloved pet. I would greatly appreciate any help in finding out what really happened.

I have only received deception and contradictions from the veterinarian who performed the surgery on my pet, causing him to die. Nothing has been consistent, and her story changed after I filed a complaint with the NC Veterinary Medical Board. Another complaint was also filed by one of the owners who also lost their pet. The owner of the hospital appears unconcerned. I even contacted Southern Veterinary Partners, who are only concerned with protecting their own interests. They appear to be more interested in acquiring hospitals, as the VP of Business Development contacted me. What does that have to do with my pet's death? Business Development? That appears to be all they care about. They do not appear to have anyone at their company who handles issues with their own veterinarians.

Where is your caring if any of you who work at this hospital care deeply about animals and are aware of the truth? Isn't that why you're there, because you care about animals? I loved my pet as well; more than you will ever know. He should still be here.

I received a preprinted sympathy card that appeared to have been signed by everyone at the animal hospital for the loss of my pet, but this was not the case. It was postmarked from Charlotte, NC, and some of the employees whose signatures were on it didn't even work there at the time. Another pet owner who had lost their pet received the same card. Is there any compassion at this animal hospital? That must be part of being "Corporate Owned." I'm sure some of the veterinarians, vet techs, and employees are caring, but I wish one of you who knows the truth would tell me what happened. So far, no one has, which is unfortunate because you have no idea what I go through every day. I'll never be at peace.

What happened to my beloved pet on that terrible day? I'll never forget that day. Other people's pets who underwent the same surgery at other animal hospitals are doing well and have had no complications. Why are you being so dishonest in this situation? Someone knows the truth, and your attempt to conceal it is hurtful. Do you even realize the impact your actions have on others?

My pet was like a member of the family to me. This surgery should not have resulted in his death. The veterinarian has no idea how her actions have affected me and others who lost their pet while in her care. A woman near me recently had this surgery performed on her pet in South Carolina. Her beloved pet was immediately returned home; no temperature drop, no problems with the surgery, no problems at all. Everyone else I've talked to on a website dedicated entirely to this type of surgery has said the same thing about their pet. In contrast, my beloved pet died at this hospital, and it's as if the entire hospital went from being nice to covering it up. Why? He was fine on the day of the surgery. There was nothing wrong with him that morning. This veterinarian, as well as someone at the animal hospital, is aware of what occurred that day. They have, however, yet to come forward. I'm still waiting for the truth.

If you believe anything above is incorrect, contact me. AND PLEASE, IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO TELL ME THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PET, DO SO.